Tingling In Your Toes? It Could Be A Neuroma


Has your foot been feeling tingly and maybe a bit numb lately? Is this numbness and tingling centered around the area where your toes meet your foot, possibly extending up into your toes themselves? Chances are, you're suffering from a condition known as a neuroma. The good news is that while neuromas are uncomfortable, they can almost always be treated non-surgically. Here's a closer look at this condition and how to manage it.

What is a neuroma, and what causes it to form?

A neuroma is a swelling that pinches a nerve. Though neuromas can occur anywhere in the body, they are most common in the feet. Usually, the swelling itself is caused by increased pressure on a certain part of the foot as you walk and stand. Over time, this pressure causes the tissues in a certain area to swell and press on a nerve. The pressure on the nerves impedes its function, which is why you're experiencing tingling and numbness.

Neuromas can be brought on by wearing ill-fitting shoes, engaging in a lot of high-impact exercise like running and jumping, wearing high heels, and working long hours on a hard concrete floor.

How can you treat a neuroma?

Usually, if you can identify the likely causes of your neuroma and address them, the symptoms will eventually subside as the swelling in your foot's tissues dies down. For instance, if you wear high heels, switching to flats is essential. If you work long hours on concrete, try standing on a rubber pad and taking breaks more often.

In addition, it's helpful to visit a podiatrist for neuroma treatment. They can design some customized orthotics for your shoes, which take the pressure off the area where the neuroma is found. There are orthotics available over-the-counter, but because they are less specialized, they may or may not actually work for you.

Taking NSAIDS can be helpful when your neuroma symptoms really flare up. NSAIDS like ibuprofen and naproxen alleviate swelling, which should thereby reduce your tingling and numbness. If you don't experience relief using the methods described above, your podiatrist may recommend a cortisone injection to reduce swelling.

Only in the most serious of cases, which don't respond to other treatments over a period of several years, is surgery typically recommended. If you do have surgery, your podiatrist will remove the swollen tissues to grant permanent relief from the pain, tingling, and other sensations.


5 June 2017

Learning About Important Podiatrist Services

Hello, my name is Vicki Sutherland. Welcome to my site about podiatrist services. As I reached old age, I took a good hard look at the condition of my feet. For so long, I ignored the pain and discomfort that resulted from constantly wearing shoes suited for the workplace. Those shoes put unnecessary pressure on my toes and heels, resulting in a number of damaged sections. Eventually, I decided to go into the podiatrist for treatment. The treatment restored my feet and eliminated the bulk of the discomfort. I would like to talk about all of the diagnostic procedures and treatments provided by the podiatrist. I hope you can use the information I provide to heal your feet as well. Thanks.