Laser Treatments Might Be The Solution For Your Stubborn Toenail Fungus


If you have a fungal infection in one of your toenails, you're probably frustrated at how difficult it is to get rid of. Topical fungal creams aren't very effective and while your doctor can prescribe oral medication, it might not work either. It also has the potential for some serious side effects. The solution might be to undergo laser nail treatment for your fungus. Here's some more information on how it works.

Why Laser Treatments Work Better Than Creams And Medication

The problem with nail fungus is that it is in a protected area. Topical creams can't reach the deep layers of your toenail and are thus unable to treat the problem area effectively. Plus, your toenail is dead tissue without a blood supply. There's no way for medication to circulate through the layers of your nail where the fungus is embedded. Laser treatments have so much potential because the laser light can penetrate your toenail. Your podiatrist can direct the light as deep as it needs to go to reach the fungus. This precision allows for the fungus to be killed without harming the healthy tissue underneath your toenail.

How Treatments Are Given

You receive the laser treatments in your podiatrist's office. The doctor points the laser energy to the affected toe and may also treat the nearby toes to kill any fungus that has spread. The treatments aren't painful, but you'll probably feel some heat in your toe from the laser. The treatments are quick and easy to endure. You'll probably need multiple treatments spaced weeks apart to kill all the fungus. You may be given anti-fungal ointment or cream to use also. The laser may weaken or open the nail so cream can get inside and be more effective.

You might not notice any difference in your toenail right away. The fungus damages the nail, so the appearance of your nail may not change until it has grown out and been replaced with a healthy nail, which could take several months.

The benefit of having laser nail treatments is that they are generally well tolerated, so you can avoid the risk of liver damage and other serious complications that could possibly result from oral anti-fungal drugs. If you've had your toenail fungus for quite some time and over-the-counter treatments and home remedies haven't helped at all, then it's time to see a podiatrist for medical treatment. Zapping your toenail with a laser might get rid of your infection at last so you can remove your shoes and not be embarrassed about the appearance of your toe.


17 May 2017

Learning About Important Podiatrist Services

Hello, my name is Vicki Sutherland. Welcome to my site about podiatrist services. As I reached old age, I took a good hard look at the condition of my feet. For so long, I ignored the pain and discomfort that resulted from constantly wearing shoes suited for the workplace. Those shoes put unnecessary pressure on my toes and heels, resulting in a number of damaged sections. Eventually, I decided to go into the podiatrist for treatment. The treatment restored my feet and eliminated the bulk of the discomfort. I would like to talk about all of the diagnostic procedures and treatments provided by the podiatrist. I hope you can use the information I provide to heal your feet as well. Thanks.